Thursday, November 11, 2010


today i went to school at the normal time. I had latin first and we had a test. during the test i noticed all the kids are allowed to use there book and a latin to german dictionary on all of the test. however they must write long texts in latin. i could never do it they know latin better then i think most of the teachers at the station. they grasp the language very well it also helps that the teachers know that drilling vocabulary is dumb because the dictionary can know all the vocabulary for you. these kid have a large latin vocabulary because they have worked for so many years with latin. next class was german. it was kinda boring but at the start of class i had to tell a joke in german. wie veil kinder mit ADS braucht Mann Ein Glühbirne Wechsen?_________ koct ein auto. then we went to the library there i read a book on nature with some kick ass photos of yellow stone and the western part of USA. then bio some kid stole my seat so i had to sit in the front of the class. then physics it was ok. i got my test back and i got a D but i only did a 3rd of the test and the ones i did do i got all of them right. then went home pack my bags and moved back to my old host family. there i said hey nice to be back now can i go to kilis house? they were glad that i have friends and said go for it. at his house we played video games and did his english homework. then i came home and ate a ton of mashed taters and cabage meat thing. it was very good food.

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